• Smart Engineering

  • 10 L.Varis 16672, Athens Greece


Current news from Smart Engineering

Excavation Completion

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Completion of Excavation Works for a multi-family Luxury Apartment Project Designed and Supervised on behalf of Home Concept Ltd. Excavations where performed ground classified as rock – semi-rock . Vertical excavation surfaces where assesed and stability check was performed. Excavation depth is 3.8-4.0 meters.

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Energy Inspection DHL offices Athens Airport

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Following an Award by Athens International Airport Technical Services, Smart Engineering performed an energy inspection along with energy upgrade proposals for the office spaces of DHL at Athens International Airport. Prior to the Inspection all relevant Data was collected : Architectural As-Built Drawings M&E As-Built Drawings Survey Drawings Materials used during construction The Data above where complemented by…

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Changes in Law 2075-1992 Mobile Communications Greece

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Important changes in Law 2075/1992 pertaining to Mobile Communications in Greece. Article 65 – of Law .4313/2014 replaces article 24Α of 2075/1992 (Α΄ 129) Subcase 9  ε΄ of clause 5 article 24Α of 2075/1992 is replaced as follows: 9. Legal Statement as per law 1599/1986 signed by a registered engineer stating that : antenna construction (existing or future) is or will be performed at a building with no…

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Smart Engineering Presentation


Η εταιρεία Smart Engineering, ιδρύθηκε το 1994, από τον Μιχάλη Σάββα και την Σίσσυ Ματοπούλου. Η αρχική δραστηριότητα της ήταν η διοίκηση ιδιωτικών κατασκευαστικών έργων, παρέχοντας τεχνικές υπηρεσίες ποιότητας κατασκευής καθώς και οικονομικής διαχείρισης με σκοπό τον συνδυασμό ποιότητας και οικονομίας. Η εδραίωση της στην αγορά, είχε ως αποτέλεσμα την εξωστρέφεια της εταιρείες σε νέες…

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Standard Post

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Nullam egestas leo at eros commodo auctor. Integer imperdiet odio adipiscing, eleifend odio et, varius massa. Fusce vitae leo dignissim, adipiscing arcu eget, porttitor dolor. Aenean pretium elit id mauris imperdiet rutrum. Phasellus vel neque nunc. Sed feugiat nibh et nibh sagittis mollis vel a felis. Integer imperdiet turpis id mi tincidunt, non aliquet nunc…

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